POST api/MWM4/PostNewJSONOrder?UD1={UD1}&UD2={UD2}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
UD1 | string |
Required |
UD2 | string |
Required |
Body Parameters
M4JSONHedName | Description | Type | Additional information |
orderNumber | string |
None. |
customerName | string |
None. |
shipToName | string |
None. |
shipToAddress1 | string |
None. |
shipToAddress2 | string |
None. |
shipToAddress3 | string |
None. |
shipToCity | string |
None. |
shipToState | string |
None. |
shipToZip | string |
None. |
shipToCountry | string |
None. |
shiptophone | string |
None. |
shipToEmail | string |
None. |
orderNote | string |
None. |
orderNote2 | string |
None. |
specialInstructions | string |
None. |
carrierCode | string |
None. |
sourceProgram | string |
None. |
PONumber | string |
None. |
termsCode | string |
None. |
billthroughName | string |
None. |
programVersion | string |
None. |
orderType | string |
None. |
customerNumber | integer |
None. |
billthroughNumber | integer |
None. |
numberOfItems | integer |
None. |
invoiceAmount | decimal number |
None. |
ETDT | date |
None. |
FSDT | date |
None. |
RSDT | date |
None. |
ORDT | date |
None. |
HSDT | date |
None. |
DLDT | date |
None. |
_repNote | string |
None. |
islocal | boolean |
None. |
isOpen | boolean |
None. |
isHistorical | boolean |
None. |
isVopOrder | boolean |
None. |
details | Dictionary of integer [key] and M4JSONDet [value] |
None. |
labelDetails | Dictionary of integer [key] and M4JSONDet [value] |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "orderNumber": "sample string 1", "customerName": "sample string 2", "shipToName": "sample string 3", "shipToAddress1": "sample string 4", "shipToAddress2": "sample string 5", "shipToAddress3": "sample string 6", "shipToCity": "sample string 7", "shipToState": "sample string 8", "shipToZip": "sample string 9", "shipToCountry": "sample string 10", "shiptophone": "sample string 11", "shipToEmail": "sample string 12", "orderNote": "sample string 13", "orderNote2": "sample string 14", "specialInstructions": "sample string 15", "carrierCode": "sample string 16", "sourceProgram": "sample string 17", "PONumber": "sample string 18", "termsCode": "sample string 19", "billthroughName": "sample string 20", "programVersion": "sample string 21", "orderType": "sample string 22", "customerNumber": 23, "billthroughNumber": 24, "numberOfItems": 25, "invoiceAmount": 26.0, "ETDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "FSDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "RSDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "ORDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "HSDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "DLDT": "2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00", "_repNote": "sample string 33", "islocal": true, "isOpen": true, "isHistorical": true, "isVopOrder": true, "details": { "1": { "ono": "sample string 1", "itn": "sample string 2", "it2": "sample string 3", "ltp": "sample string 4", "sq": 5, "qt": 6, "asp": 7.0, "um": "sample string 8", "dsc": "sample string 9" }, "2": { "ono": "sample string 1", "itn": "sample string 2", "it2": "sample string 3", "ltp": "sample string 4", "sq": 5, "qt": 6, "asp": 7.0, "um": "sample string 8", "dsc": "sample string 9" } }, "labelDetails": { "1": { "ono": "sample string 1", "itn": "sample string 2", "it2": "sample string 3", "ltp": "sample string 4", "sq": 5, "qt": 6, "asp": 7.0, "um": "sample string 8", "dsc": "sample string 9" }, "2": { "ono": "sample string 1", "itn": "sample string 2", "it2": "sample string 3", "ltp": "sample string 4", "sq": 5, "qt": 6, "asp": 7.0, "um": "sample string 8", "dsc": "sample string 9" } } }
application/xml, text/xml
<M4JSONHed xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <DLDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</DLDT> <ETDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</ETDT> <FSDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</FSDT> <HSDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</HSDT> <ORDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</ORDT> <PONumber>sample string 18</PONumber> <RSDT>2025-03-06T22:16:46.6635348-05:00</RSDT> <_repNote>sample string 33</_repNote> <billthroughName>sample string 20</billthroughName> <billthroughNumber>24</billthroughNumber> <carrierCode>sample string 16</carrierCode> <customerName>sample string 2</customerName> <customerNumber>23</customerNumber> <details xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:Key>1</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value> <asp>7</asp> <dsc>sample string 9</dsc> <it2>sample string 3</it2> <itn>sample string 2</itn> <ltp>sample string 4</ltp> <ono>sample string 1</ono> <qt>6</qt> <sq>5</sq> <um>sample string 8</um> </d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:Key>2</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value> <asp>7</asp> <dsc>sample string 9</dsc> <it2>sample string 3</it2> <itn>sample string 2</itn> <ltp>sample string 4</ltp> <ono>sample string 1</ono> <qt>6</qt> <sq>5</sq> <um>sample string 8</um> </d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> </details> <invoiceAmount>26</invoiceAmount> <isHistorical>true</isHistorical> <isOpen>true</isOpen> <isVopOrder>true</isVopOrder> <islocal>true</islocal> <labelDetails xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:Key>1</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value> <asp>7</asp> <dsc>sample string 9</dsc> <it2>sample string 3</it2> <itn>sample string 2</itn> <ltp>sample string 4</ltp> <ono>sample string 1</ono> <qt>6</qt> <sq>5</sq> <um>sample string 8</um> </d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> <d2p1:Key>2</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value> <asp>7</asp> <dsc>sample string 9</dsc> <it2>sample string 3</it2> <itn>sample string 2</itn> <ltp>sample string 4</ltp> <ono>sample string 1</ono> <qt>6</qt> <sq>5</sq> <um>sample string 8</um> </d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfintM4JSONDetXkNpho_P9> </labelDetails> <numberOfItems>25</numberOfItems> <orderNote>sample string 13</orderNote> <orderNote2>sample string 14</orderNote2> <orderNumber>sample string 1</orderNumber> <orderType>sample string 22</orderType> <programVersion>sample string 21</programVersion> <shipToAddress1>sample string 4</shipToAddress1> <shipToAddress2>sample string 5</shipToAddress2> <shipToAddress3>sample string 6</shipToAddress3> <shipToCity>sample string 7</shipToCity> <shipToCountry>sample string 10</shipToCountry> <shipToEmail>sample string 12</shipToEmail> <shipToName>sample string 3</shipToName> <shipToState>sample string 8</shipToState> <shipToZip>sample string 9</shipToZip> <shiptophone>sample string 11</shiptophone> <sourceProgram>sample string 17</sourceProgram> <specialInstructions>sample string 15</specialInstructions> <termsCode>sample string 19</termsCode> </M4JSONHed>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
stringResponse Formats
application/json, text/json
"sample string 1"
application/xml, text/xml
<string xmlns="">sample string 1</string>